I will now provide the categorical foundation of the Haskell implementation from the previous post. A PDF version that contains both parts is also available.

The Para Construction

There’s been a lot of interest in categorical foundations of deep learning. The basic idea is that of a parametric category, in which morphisms are parameterized by objects from a monoidal category \mathcal P:

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 15.00.20
Here, p is an object of \mathcal P.

When two such morphisms are composed, the result is parameterized by the tensor product of the parameters.

Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 15.00.34

An identity morphism is parameterized by the monoidal unit I.

If the monoidal category \mathcal P is not strict, the parametric composition and identity laws are not strict either. They are satisfied up to associators and unitors of \mathcal P. A category with lax composition and identity laws is called a bicategory. The 2-cells in a parametric bicategory are called reparameterizations.

Of particular interest are parameterized bicategories that are built on top of actegories. An actegory \mathcal C is a category in which we define an action of a monoidal category \mathcal P:

\bullet \colon \mathcal P \times \mathcal C \to C

satisfying some obvious coherency conditions (unit and composition):

I \bullet c \cong c

p \bullet (q \bullet c) \cong (p \otimes q) \bullet c

There are two basic constructions of a parametric category on top of an actegory called \mathbf{Para} and \mathbf{coPara}. The first constructs parametric morphisms from a to b as f_p = p \bullet a \to b, and the second as g_p = a \to p \bullet b.

Parametric Optics

The \mathbf{Para} construction can be extended to optics, where we’re dealing with pairs of objects from the underlying category (or categories, in the case of mixed optics). The parameterized optic is defined as the following coend:

O \langle a, da \rangle \langle p, dp \rangle \langle s, ds \rangle = \int^{m} \mathcal C (p \bullet s, m \bullet a) \times \mathcal C (m \bullet da, dp \bullet ds)

where the residues m are objects of some monoidal category \mathcal M, and the parameters \langle p, dp \rangle come from another monoidal category \mathcal P.

In Haskell, this is exactly the existential lens:

data ExLens a da p dp s ds = 
  forall m . ExLens ((p, s)  -> (m, a))  
                    ((m, da) -> (dp, ds))

There is, however, a more general bicategory of pre-optics, which underlies existential optics. In it, both the parameters and the residues are treated symmetrically.

The PreLens Bicategory

Pre-optics break the feedback loop in which the residues from the forward pass are fed back to the backward pass. We get the following formula:

\begin{aligned}O & \langle a, da \rangle \langle m, dm \rangle \langle p, dp \rangle \langle s, ds \rangle = \\  &\mathcal C (p \bullet s, m \bullet a) \times \mathcal C (dm \bullet da, dp \bullet ds)  \end{aligned}

We interpret this as a hom-set from a pair of objects \langle s, ds \rangle in \mathcal C^{op} \times C to the pair of objects \langle a, da \rangle also in \mathcal C^{op} \times C, parameterized by a pair \langle m, dm \rangle in \mathcal M \times \mathcal M^{op} and a pair \langle p, dp \rangle from \mathcal P^{op} \times \mathcal P.

To simplify notation, I’ll use the bold \mathbf C for the category \mathcal C^{op} \times \mathcal C , and bold letters for pairs of objects and (twisted) pairs of morphisms. For instance, \bold f \colon \bold a \to \bold b is a member of the hom-set \mathbf C (\bold a, \bold b) represented by a pair \langle f \colon a' \to a, g \colon b \to b' \rangle.

Similarly, I’ll use the notation \bold m \bullet \bold a to denote the monoidal action of \mathcal M^{op} \times \mathcal M on \mathcal C^{op} \times \mathcal C:

\langle m, dm \rangle \bullet \langle a, da \rangle = \langle m \bullet a, dm \bullet da \rangle

and the analogous action of \mathcal P^{op} \times \mathcal P.

In this notation, the pre-optic can be simply written as:

O\; \bold a\, \bold m\, \bold p\, \bold s = \bold C (\bold m \bullet \bold a, \bold p \bullet \bold b)

and an individual morphism as a triple:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

Pre-optics form hom-sets in the \mathbf{PreLens} bicategory. The composition is a mapping:

\mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold n \bullet \bold a, \bold q \bullet \bold b) \to \mathbf C (\bold (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \bullet \bold a, (\bold q \otimes \bold p) \bullet \bold c)

Indeed, since both monoidal actions are functorial, we can lift the first morphism by (\bold q \bullet -) and the second by (\bold m \bullet -):

\mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold n \bullet \bold a, \bold q \bullet \bold b) \xrightarrow{(\bold q \bullet) \times (\bold m \bullet)}

\mathbf C (\bold q \bullet \bold m \bullet \bold b, \bold q \bullet \bold p \bullet \bold c) \times \mathbf C (\bold m \bullet \bold n \bullet \bold a,\bold m \bullet \bold q \bullet \bold b)

We can compose these hom-sets in \mathbf C, as long as the two monoidal actions commute, that is, if we have:

\bold q \bullet \bold m \bullet \bold b \to \bold m \bullet \bold q \bullet \bold b

for all \bold q, \bold m, and \bold b.
The identity morphism is a triple:

(\bold 1, \bold 1, \bold{id} )

parameterized by the unit objects in the monoidal categories \mathbf M and \mathbf P. Associativity and identity laws are satisfied modulo the associators and the unitors.

If the underlying category \mathcal C is monoidal, the \mathbf{PreOp} bicategory is also monoidal, with the obvious point-wise parallel composition of pre-optics.

Triple Tambara Modules

A triple Tambara module is a functor:

T \colon \mathbf M^{op} \times \mathbf P \times \mathbf C \to \mathbf{Set}

equipped with two families of natural transformations:

\alpha \colon T \, \bold m \, \bold p \, \bold a \to T \, (\bold n \otimes \bold m) \, \bold p \, (\bold n \bullet a)

\beta \colon T \, \bold m \, \bold p \, (\bold r \bullet \bold a) \to T \, \bold m \, (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \, \bold a

and some coherence conditions. For instance, the two paths from T \, \bold m \, \bold p\, (\bold r \bullet \bold a) to T \, (\bold n \otimes \bold m)\, (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \, (\bold n \bullet \bold a) must give the same result.

One can also define natural transformations between such functors that preserve the two structures, and define a bicategory of triple Tambara modules \mathbf{TriTamb}.

As a special case, if we chose the category \mathcal P to be the trivial one-object monoidal category, we get a version of (double-) Tambara modules. If we then take the coend, P \langle a, b \rangle = \int^m T \langle m, m\rangle \langle a, b \rangle, we get regular Tambara modules.

Pre-optics themselves are an example of a triple Tambara representation. Indeed, for any fixed \bold a, we can define a mapping \alpha from the triple:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

to the triple:

(\bold n \otimes \bold m, \bold p, \bold f' \colon (\bold n \otimes \bold m) \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet (\bold n \bullet \bold b))

by lifting of \bold f by (\bold n \bullet -) and rearranging the actions using their commutativity.
Similarly for \beta, we map:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet (\bold r \bullet \bold b))


(\bold m , (\bold p \otimes \bold r), \bold f' \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to (\bold p \otimes \bold r) \bullet \bold b)

Tambara Representation

The main result is that morphisms in \mathbf {PreOp} can be expressed using triple Tambara modules. An optic:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

is equivalent to a triple end:

\int_{\bold r \colon \mathbf P} \int_{\bold n \colon \mathbf M} \int_{T \colon \mathbf{TriTamb}} \mathbf{Set} \big(T \, \bold n \, \bold r \, \bold a, T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, (\bold r \otimes \bold p) \, \bold b \big)

Indeed, since pre-optics are themselves triple Tambara modules, we can apply the polymorphic mapping of Tambara modules to the identity optic (\bold 1, \bold 1, \bold{id} ) and get an arbitrary pre-optic.

Conversely, given an optic:

(\bold m, \bold p, \bold f \colon \bold m \bullet \bold a \to \bold p \bullet \bold b)

we can construct the polymorphic mapping of triple Tambara modules:

\begin{aligned} & T \, \bold n \, \bold r \, \bold a \xrightarrow{\alpha} T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, \bold r \, (\bold m \bullet \bold a) \xrightarrow{T \, \bold f} T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, \bold r \, (\bold p \bullet \bold b) \xrightarrow{\beta} \\ & T \, (\bold m \otimes \bold n) \, (\bold r \otimes \bold p) \, \bold b  \end{aligned}


  1. Brendan Fong, Michael Johnson, Lenses and Learners,
  2. Brendan Fong, David Spivak, Rémy Tuyéras, Backprop as Functor: A compositional perspective on supervised learning, 34th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2019, pp. 1-13, 2019.
  3. G.S.H. Cruttwell, Bruno Gavranović, Neil Ghani, Paul Wilson, Fabio Zanasi, Categorical Foundations of Gradient-Based Learning
  4. Bruno Gavranović, Compositional Deep Learning
  5. Bruno Gavranović, Fundamental Components of Deep Learning, PhD Thesis. 2024